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General Club Policies


1. Membership Qualification


Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Hills Men’s Club is a State of Colorado not for profit corporation and tax exempt as described in IRC 501(c)(7). Membership in The Club is open to any adult male golfer. Before competing for prize money, members must have a verifiable USGA Handicap Index issued by GHIN. To establish a handicap, index the member need to enter a minimum of 54 holes of scores in 9 or 18 hole increments into their GHIN account.


2. Membership Fees


The cost of an annual membership for the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club is $275. Members can sign up for The Club in the Men’s Club Portal within Golf Genius. Membership fees include a new or renewed GHIN account number and eligibility to participate in our weekend tournaments and the Tuesday Night 9-hole league. Memberships expire December 31st, each year, regardless of the date of registration.


3. Membership Cancellation/Refund


Once membership has been accepted and approved, membership dues are non-refundable, except for special individual circumstances that are approved by the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club Board.


4. Assumption of Risk and Release from Liability


By signing or electronically submitting a member application and entering/playing in a Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club tournament, the participant understands and agrees that there are certain dangers involved with the participation in a golf tournament, including but not limited to being struck by lightning, getting hit by golf ball or club, suffering from heat exhaustion, heart attack or injury from uneven terrain, all of which risks participant assumes and solely accepts, and waives all claims of injury to body or property against the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Golf Club and it’s Board of Directors. Further, the participant agrees that while on the premises of a Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club tournament, the participant, and any guest, relative or anyone else affiliated with participant, shall be present at their own risk and that Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club or it’s Board of Directors shall not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages whatsoever to person or property of the participant or related person arising out of or in connection with the participation in the tournament or presence at the tournament. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club and it’s Board of Directors from all claims of liability to the participant or affiliated person.


5. Tournament Formats


The majority of tournaments are stroke play, although other team and individual formats are included. Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club play will be governed by the current Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association (USGA.) Other specialized formats, such as match play or best ball, will be played in accordance with USGA Rules of Golf. The Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club Board is responsible for determining dates and tournament formats prior to the season. 


6. Tournament Flights


Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Golf Club events are flighted based on the size of the field, and the most reasonable handicap distributions for each tournament. Final decisions on flighting are solely at the discretion of the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Tournament Directors.

Players are flighted initially based upon their most current USGA Handicap Index or a modified tournament index assigned to individual participants by the Handicap Committee of the Men’s Club Board. Players without established handicaps can play in Men’s Club tournaments, however, they may not compete for prize money until six 9-hole scores have been posted in the GHIN system.


7. On Course Rules


All play will be governed by the current USGA Rules of Golf as set forth by the USGA. The Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Golf Club or Course Management provides information containing local rules and any special rules that will govern play before each tournament.


8. Dress Code


Men’s Club Participants are expected to comply with the golf course dress policy. Golfers are encouraged to wear golf appropriate attire. Men should wear a collared golf shirt. T-shirts, tank tops, cut off shorts, beach wear, or gym wear are not proper attire. The decision regarding golf appropriate attire is left up to the golf shop staff and/or the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Golf Club Board.


9. Player Conduct


Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club Players shall conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times. Any excessive display of anger, vulgar language, club throwing, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, lack of golfing etiquette, act of violence or aggression or disrespect to a fellow player, golf course staff member, or any other individual may be grounds for disqualification from any tournament and expulsion from the Men’s Club. The Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men's Club Board reserves the right to revoke the membership, without a refund, of any individual at any time for conduct deemed inappropriate or damaging.


10. Prize Money


For each tournament, prize money will be paid in credit and stored in a Credit Book account that can be used at any of the Aurora City Golf Pro Shops. The value of the prize pool at each tournament will be established prior to the tournament and is based on league membership. The prize pool is typically formulated to pay approximately 30% of the field. In the event of ties, all ties are retained and the prize money will be determined for each place and will be evenly divided and paid to the players that tied. if two tie for second place the prize fund for second and third will be combined and divided evenly between the players that tied. In order to adhere to the USGA Rules of Amateur Status, no single prize awarded will exceed $750 in value.


11. Skins


In most tournaments, Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club offers a skins competition. Buy-in is voluntary and is typically $10 per round. All Skin monies won will be paid out through PayPal monthly. Everyone needs to have a PayPal account or have access to someone's that will accept their winnings. If you do not have a PayPal account your skin winnings will be credited to your Aurora Credit Book.


12. Proxies


Most Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club tournaments include a “closest to the pin” competition, included in each player’s entry fee. Proxies are awarded on each of the four par 3 holes and closest second shots on two par 4 and payouts are in shop credit.


13. Hole-in-One Policy


Each year, Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club funds a cash pool to be divided equally between members who achieve a hole-in-one during the course of the season. Only hole-in-ones made by Club members during full field weekend events, will be considered eligible for the award. Hole-in-ones made during season long events such as Team Match play or Individual Match Play or during casual non-event play are not considered eligible for the award. In the event that multiple holes-in-one significantly deplete the prize pool, the board may modify the funding calculation. The Hole-in-One pot is funded at $750. In the event no member makes a hole-in-one during the year, fifteen names will be drawn from the membership roster and each name drawn will receive $50.


14. Pace of Play Policy


Pace of play for both courses is 4 hours and 45 minutes for each round played. 


15. Inclement Weather


Severe weather-related conditions may prevent, delay, or suspend play when the course is rendered unplayable, or the safety of players is at risk, as determined by golf course staff.

The Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club will do everything possible to complete the full number of holes in a tournament.

Tournaments, especially in the spring, can be delayed due to frost. Participants should remain on the premises and wait for the tournament to resume. No refunds/rollovers will be issued for weather delays.

In the event a tournament is played but the player chooses not to play in less-than-perfect weather, the player must check in on site for the event, and a rain check for golf only may be issued by golf course staff in accordance with Aurora Golf and the courses rain check policies. Greens fees and tournament fees will not be refunded.


16. Failure to post scores


Members must post all legitimate rounds immediately at the conclusion of the round played. If a score is not posted within 48 hours, the Handicap Committee may post a penalty score to the member’s scoring record.


17. Knowledge of the Rules of Golf


Each member is required to attend a seminar on the Rules of Golf once during each 4-year cycle for which the Rules of Golf is published. The Club provides such seminars on occasion, or you may attend a rules seminar hosted by another club, the Colorado Golf Association or the USGA


18. Music


From Rule 4.3.a.4 – “Listening to audio or watching video on matters unrelated to the competition being played (such as a news report or background music). But in doing so, consideration should be shown to others (see Rule 1.2). Not Allowed - Listening to music or other audio to eliminate distractions or to help with swing tempo or viewing video showing play of the player or other players during the competition that helps the player in choosing a club, making a stroke, or deciding how to play during the round.”


Players wishing to play music over a speaker during the round should ask permission from the group. If anyone objects, then music should not be played. If the group approves the playing of music, the volume should be set to be heard by the golfer or group only when they are near the speaker but should not be so loud as to be heard by other groups on other holes on the course."

Playing music over a speaker is allowed. Using headphones, either in-ear or over-ear, is prohibited.


19. Miscellaneous


The policies and regulations of the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club are subject to revision.

All players in Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club tournaments are deemed to be familiar with these policies and regulations, as well as the USGA Rules of Golf and agree to abide by them. Failure to comply with the aforementioned policies and regulations could result in tournament penalties, tournament disqualification, suspension, or expulsion from the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club.


Tournament Policies


1. Tournament Registration


Only Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Golf Club members may participate in Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club tournaments, with the exception of a Member-Guest event.

Members register online at the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Golf Club Tournament Portal within Golf Genius. Events have a limitation on the number of entries, and each event will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We encouraged Members not to wait until the entry deadline, which is typically on Sunday before the tournament, as any event may sell-out well in advance.


2. Payment Policy


Tournament entry fees including greens fees will be made by credit card at the time of tournament registration. Skins buy-in, when applicable, will also be paid by credit card when registering for the tournament.


3. Cancellations and No Shows


If a player registers for a tournament and withdraws at any point prior to the end of the tournament, the member may be subject to forfeiture of greens fees and entry fees. A refund may be offered if cancellation is received before tee times are published. If cancellation is received after the course is paid the green fees, a refund or credit is typically not offered, except in unusual circumstances or medical emergencies. If a refund is issued, a fee will be deducted to cover transaction and time costs. For most events the fee is $10.


4. Tournament Handicaps


Rule 7.1a/1 of the USGA Handicap Manual enables the handicap committee to reduce a player’s handicap for Men’s Club tournament events if it deems a player’s performance continues to exceed his potential ability. Several methodologies exist for this purpose. The member will be notified of any adjustments made by the Board.


5. Starting Times


Tournaments will typically use sequential starting times with rare shotgun starts. Pairings will be emailed to all participants and are available on the Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club Men’s Golf Club Tournament Portal website prior to the event. Pairings are subject to change prior to the event. If a starting time has been changed, the Tournament Director will notify individuals impacted by the change in advance.


6. Check-In and Starting


Players should check in on site at least 30 minutes prior to the assigned starting times and be at the starting tee box at least 10 minutes prior to their assigned starting time. Players should have teed off and be leaving the first tee at their scheduled tee time. If the player arrives at his starting tee box, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is loss of the first hole in match play or two strokes at the first hole in stroke play. Otherwise, the penalty is disqualification.


7. Tees


Tee boxes are subject to change from event to event. 


8. Scorekeeping and Scorecards


We will be using a combination of a group scorecard and the Golf Genius App for live scoring. One member in each group will be responsible for recording everyone’s scores on the scorecard and another for entering the scores in the Golf Genius App.


At the completion of the round all players in the groups will verify their scores on the scorecard and what was entered in the App. They then will all sign the scorecard attesting that their scores are correct. Players are only responsible for the score on each hole and not the total score. If a player signs for an incorrect scorecard with a lower score on a hole than they actually shot, that player will be disqualified per rule 3-3b.


If there are scoring disputes in a round, protest should be lodged when turning in scorecard. Each player should be available for a reasonable amount of time afterward to answer questions by the Tournament Committee in the event that a ruling is required. Competition in each flight is deemed to have closed, and results finalized, when winners are announced by email following conclusion of each event.


Posting of scores to GHIN: For handicap purposes, the SR-MC Men’s Club will post all applicable tournament scores to the GHIN Handicap service. In match play events, players are required to post the actual or most likely score for holes played when a stroke or hole is conceded, or when a player picks up. Men’s Club members are responsible for posting their own match play scores.


9. Distance Measuring Devices


Distance measuring devices are allowed at all tournaments as long as the device does not measure slope, grade, or wind.


10. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices


A smart phone in each group will be used to record the scores for the group in the Golf Genius App. Cell phones must be on silent at all times. In the spirit of competition, cell phone usage for personal business during competition is discouraged. A player should be respectful of fellow competitors. The device should only be used to enter scores in the Golf Genius App or make phone calls in emergency situations.



11. Club Championship


The Saddle Rock-Murphy Creek Men’s Club Annual Club Championship is a two-day event held in August. Format is 36 holes of individual stroke play, one round at each course we play. Results of all flights are determined by gross scores except the last flight, which due to the gap in handicap indexes, will be scored on net results.


12. Other items


Unless otherwise notified, the 14-Club rule is in effect for all of our events.

Unless otherwise notified, the one-ball rule is NOT in effect for any of our events.

Unless otherwise notified, a closest to the pin contest and Hole In One on a Par 3 hole is for a player’s first tee shots ending up on the surface of green. Strokes made provisionally or after a penalty has been imposed are not eligible.


13. Drop Zones (DZ)


We use the Dropping Zones outlined by each course’s maintenance staff as additional alternative to the normal relief procedures for a ball in a penalty area. At Saddle Rock you will find drop zones on holes 4,10,11, 16, and 18. At Murphy Creek you will find the drop zones on holes 8, 11, 12, and 17.


14. Penalty Areas


There is NO free relief from a cart path that is within a Penalty area. Part of the penalty areas on holes 6 and 9 at Saddle Rock include the cart path. If your ball comes to rest on a cart path that is within a penalty area you have two options. 

1. Play the ball as it lies. (No penalty) 

2. Drop out of the penalty area where your ball last crossed the penalty line. Add a one stroke penalty to your score and continue playing.

If you lift your ball and drop it within the penalty area and execute a shot, you will incur a two-stroke penalty. Failure to add the appropriate number of penalty strokes could cause you to be DQ from the event.


15. GHIN mobile GPS app and enhanced features


Use of GHIN's mobile app is permitted during tournament play. The GPS function and the enhanced Approach Heat Maps, Putt Break Maps, Shot Tracking and Distance to the Green features are all USGA compliant. If you do elect to use GHIN's mobile app during league events, please keep in mind Pace of Play and don't hold play due to using the Enhanced feature for greens.